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Apex Trader Funding Review for 2022

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Last Updated: September 14, 2022

apex trader funding in 2022



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APEX Funding is currently running a massive launch and holiday sale on their trading exam, making them the top value online funded trader industry.

Pay as little as 74$ and have access to the live trader evaluation within minutes. Let's break down their very simple funding tests offerings ranging from 25k to 300K nominal account value.

Apex Funded Trader Program Breakdown

APEX account size or Starting Capital: 25k through 300k represents the starting balance in your simulated trading live data environment. That number is roughly the amount of funds you would need in your online brokerage account to cover the initial margin for the maximum available positions size in the program. You are getting an opportunity to leverage a small dollar amount into a significant leverage real money trading account.

Contracts: Maximum position size or most futures contracts you can have traded in your trading exam account. You do not have to trade full size at once, and you can trade just one at a time. And if market conditions get too crazy, you can now trade micro contracts too (for example, MES/MNQ are 1/10th the size of ES/NQ). A maximum number of futures micro contracts is listed next to full contract size.

Profit Goal: Pretty Straight Forward, reach the profit goal, and as soon as you place a trade during ten different trading days and have funded account balance above starting balance + profit goal, you will advance to funded money account to trade for real money profits.

Daily drawdown: NONE! There is no daily drawdown. Competitors make you adhere to Daily and sometimes weekly account drawdowns. With Apex trader funding, you have all the breathing room you need to trade with one drawdown or trailing Threshold.

Trailing Threshold: or maximum allowed drawdown for trading exam account. Drawdown is the dollar $ trailing your highest reached balance. For example, suppose you have a 7.5k drawdown in a 300k account.

When first starting, the balance can not cross below 292.5K. As you make profits, the drawdown trails. If the balance reaches 303K, the level you can drawdown to becomes 295.5k.

What is the Trailing Threshold Max Drawdown? – Apex Trader Funding (

Scaling: Once again, another big advantage of working with APEX is to achieve a real withdrawable money account. Many competitors ask you to scale your positions, sizing up as you make a profit, and try to trap you for violating the contract sizing rules if the balance is in the wrong position sizing bracket. Here you have the freedom to trade maximum allowed contracts from the first trade.

NinjaTrader License: One of the most popular and powerful trading platforms is included with the Apex Funding program and is ready to go from the start. Just Ninjatrader's lease for just the platform is $225 quarterly. So here, you get a chance to get funding for the cost of software alone. And that's not all; you get more.

Real-Time Data: 

In the Apex funding program, you get immediate access to all the live data, including the most popular products from CBOT, CME, COMEX, NYMEX. In addition, you can earn funding trading the products of the following futures:

  • Index Futures - ES, NQ, YM, EMD, RTY American indexes and even get crazy with wild NKD Nikkei futures.
  • Interest Rate Futures - ZB, UB, ZN, ZF, ZT, GE
  • Currency Futures - Aussie Dollar, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, Euro FX, Japanese Yen Futures (Inverse of USD/JPY), Swiss Franc, and New Zeland Dollar
  • Agricultural Products - Lean Hogs (HE), Live Cattle (LE), Feeder Cattle (GF), Corn (ZC), Wheat (ZW), Soybeans (ZS), Soybean Meal (ZM), Soybean Oil (ZL)
  • Energy Futures - CL, NG, QG (mini natural gas), HO, RB
  • Metals Futures - GC, SI, HG, PL, PA, QI, and QO

Newly added micro futures that are 1/10th the size of full contracts:

  • Index Micros: MES, MNQ, MYM, M2K
  • Metal Micro: MGC
  • Currency Micros: M6A, M6E
  • Micro Crude Futures

As you see, there is a full array of financial instruments available for you to trade with a very flexible position size.

Commissions: Like in real-world trading, during the Apex evaluation account, commissions are charged for trading. Round Trip commissions:

Equity Index Futures: $3.98 bet round turn

Interest Rate futures: $3.12-4.02 / RT

Currency Futures are $4.72 per round turn trade

AG Futures: $5.58 RT

Energy Futures: $3.96

Metals: $4.62 for full contracts and $3.02 for the minis

Micro Futures: $1.02/RT or less

Another place APEX shines, commissions are in line with the lowest rates at online brokerages. Some of the competitors overcharge on commissions, especially punishing scalpers.

Reset: If you reach the drawdown and fail the evaluation. You can reset it for only $80 and start over. Likewise, you can get aggressive with large accounts and restart for only $80. While not ideal for a disciplined trader path, it is an approach you can take with this program. 

See more of The Best Funded Trader Programs for 2022

Advanced Strategies and Aggressive Futures Trading

Trading and Funding Multiple Accounts and Strategies at once, under one main APEX account!

Most will settle for just one evaluation account, and it is common for the trader funding industry to limit traders to only one evaluation or trading exam account at once. However, Apex allows you to trade multiple trader evaluation accounts at once. Which allows you to tackle your trading goals in different ways and use more advanced trading strategies:

  • Spread out the risk: if you would like to trade large positions and lower the chance of hitting drawdown, scaling into multiple accounts will lower the chances of hitting the drawdown than putting the same risk on in a single account. It is also much easier to look at ten times $200 loss than one $2000 and have plenty of room to trade out of the small drawdown.
  • Push the leverage - a trade copier is available to copy the trades into multiple trading accounts from one DOM. You could get multiple accounts on a great sale, hook up the trade copier and go. You can trade as many accounts as you want.
  • However, Apex reserves the right to limit the number of Live accounts one trader can have, so to be safe, they recommend not going over ten accounts (read high trading leverage breakdown only if you are an extremely aggressive trader, look away if having more than two futures contract position makes you queasy) 
  • 10x 300k Full accounts cost $657; with this great funding program sale, you can get 10 of these programs for $3285; using the trade copier, you can trade up to 350 futures contracts with a drawdown across all accounts of $75,000.
  • That is massive leverage and opportunity that would require well over $1,000,000 in even the most aggressive margin brokerage accounts. And then guess what, you do not succeed right away, you can reset all those accounts for only $80 each or $800 total, you get to give 350 contracts and a $75000 drawdown account another chance to get funding.
  • This type of extreme aggressive leverage is not for everyone; to be honest, it is for almost no one. Leverage is a double-edged sword with extreme downside risk, and that risk almost always catches up with overleveraged traders. But if you are going to take such substantial risks, it is probably favorable to do it for $3285 after passing the trading test, rather than in a million+ trading own money account. 

Apex - Trusted Company and Trader Community

There have been a lot of funding companies that have gone and gone, so it is fair to be concerned that the company that is offering seems too good to be true deals. 

APEX has been around for almost 14 years operating in trader education and trader development space. They have a massive community of over 30,000 traders spanning most of the world. Founder Darrell Martin has worked with many funded trader funding programs before to take away their best features to bring you simple trader funding opportunities without adding too many hoops to jump through even to pass a single step. 

Sounds Great! Right?! Well… they are also running a massive holiday sale of 50% off! Extremely rare to see such a high funded drawdown to cost ratio, possibly never before seen in the industry.

Start your funded trader journey with APEX today.

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Read more about the risks associated with funded trading.

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